Array API

%styled.{{tag}} and %cx%cx support an alternative to the string-based API. It's the Array API, where the rules can be defined as an array of Css.Rules (from bs-css).

The Css.Rules can be created with %css or bs-css calls.


Both cx and styled extensions support the following:

module Component = %styled.section([
  %css("display: flex"),
  %css("justify-content: center"),
let className = %cx([%css("display: flex;")])
module Component = %styled.section([
  %css("display: flex"),
  %css("justify-content: center"),
let className = %cx([%css("display: flex;")])
Any expression that is a Css.Rule.t is valid inside the array.


  • Allowing composability and re-usability of CSS.
  • Useful to reference other variables, a function call or a pattern match.
  • Solves the migration from other systems (such as bs-css) and bypass styled-ppx parser that might not support a property.

Here are some illustrative examples:

module Button = %styled.button([
  buttonStyles, /* a variable reference */
  anyRandomFunction(123), /* a function call */
  boolean ? %css("width: 100%;") : %css("width: auto"), /* conditional */
module Button = %styled.button([
  buttonStyles, /* a variable reference */
  anyRandomFunction(123), /* a function call */
  boolean ? %css("width: 100%;") : %css("width: auto"), /* conditional */
module Align = %styled.div(
  (~distribute=#Center, ~align=#Center) => [
    %css("display: flex"),
    %css("height: 100%"),
    %css("width: 100%;"),
    switch distribute {
    | #Start => %css("justify-content: flex-start")
    | #Center => %css("justify-content: center")
    | #End => %css("justify-content: flex-end")
    switch align {
    | #Start => %css("align-items: flex-start")
    | #Center => %css("align-items: center")
    | #End => %css("align-items: flex-end")
<Align distribute=#Start align=#Start />
module Align = %styled.div(
  (~distribute=#Center, ~align=#Center) => [
    %css("display: flex"),
    %css("height: 100%"),
    %css("width: 100%;"),
    switch distribute {
    | #Start => %css("justify-content: flex-start")
    | #Center => %css("justify-content: center")
    | #End => %css("justify-content: flex-end")
    switch align {
    | #Start => %css("align-items: flex-start")
    | #Center => %css("align-items: center")
    | #End => %css("align-items: flex-end")
<Align distribute=#Start align=#Start />

Usage with Dynamic components

There's a nice trick where dynamic components with the Array API provides: running any code before the styles and treat the module as an inlined function. It will be called each time the component renders. Such as:

module Button = %styled.button(
  (~variant) => {
    let color = Theme.button(~variant)
      %css("color: $(color)"),
      %css("width: 100%;"),
      %css("display: inline-flex"),
module Button = %styled.button(
  (~variant) => {
    let color = Theme.button(~variant)
      %css("color: $(color)"),
      %css("width: 100%;"),
      %css("display: inline-flex"),

This is just an example of runtime for styles where the theme calculates the right color for the button.